Today we talk about some BackEnd technology

Lipi Rani
3 min readDec 30, 2021

Hello, It is my first article on BackEnd technology. In this article, we will know about some Technology of BackEnd. So, let’s start.


Express js or simply Express is a Node js framework. It is used for back-end web applications and also used to design API. It allows us to set up middlewares to respond to HTTP Requests.

Basic Example :

  1. const express = require(‘express’);
  2. const app = express();
  3. const port = 5000;

4. app.get(‘/’, (req, res) => {

res.send(‘Welcome to Express World!’);


6. app.listen( port , () =>{

console.log( “ listening to port “, port )



JWT stand for JSON Web Token . It is a compact URL- a safe means of representing claims that are used for 2 ( clients, server) sides security. It is to be transferred between two parties. It is most popular used for security purposes and it is the most priority of API Basic.

CRUD Operation:

When we work with databases, used CRUD operations. CURD is consists of CREATE, READ, UPDATE and DELETE and These are the four basic RDBMS programming operations. CRUD operations are used to manipulate, read, insert, delete, and edit table data.

1. Create: Using Create we can create or insert data into the database.

2. Read: Using Read we can read data from the database.

3. Update: Using Update we can update inserted data.

4. Delete: Using Delete we can delete our inserted data from the database.


Mongoose is a library for MongoDB and it is Node js-based Object Data Modeling (ODM). The problem that Mongoose aims to solve It provides a straightforward, schema-based solution to model your application data.

Relational database (MySQL):

MySQL is the most popular open-source SQL database. It is a fully-managed database service to deploy with included. It is typically used for web application development. The main advantages of MySQL are that it is easy to use, inexpensive. MySQL is ideal for small and large applications. In some applications, the relational database is very fast and uses standard SQL(stander query language). MySQL is working with table collection. One of the disadvantages is that it has been known to suffer from poor performance.


NodeJS is a Javascript runtime. Node js is made with the V8 engine inside the google browser. Node js can run without a web browser. Node.js is used for running or accessing any operating system for the non-blocking operation.

